Hello world!

Jul 15, 2015

Hi there!

After a few months (or maybe years?!) telling myself “I should be writing about this somewhere” every time I found something quirky or every time I’ve won one of those epic battles against a library or language… It has finally happened! My blog is a reality!

So here I am. I didn’t exactly know what to write in this first post, so I thought that it could be a good idea to write something for my future self. I know myself quite well (yes ma, even better than you do!), and I know that in the future I’ll be asking myself questions like “why am I writing this?”. So if you don’t mind I’m going to mention few objectives that I’d like to achieve with the passage of time.

  • To have a reference. I’d like to have a place where I can get back to find some of those things that took me way too much time to figure out and do not want to go through ever again.
  • To improve my writing skills. Being a foreigner, probably I’ll never be able to get rid of my Catalan accent ;) but at least I can try to improve my writing so I can get my ideas expressed in a more organized way, at least on paper.
  • To become a better developer. Being able to share what you’re doing, exposes you to the opinion of other people much smarter than you, who can point you to those things that you are doing wrong. So please folks, point at my mistakes as much as you want!
  • To inspire others. I love being a software developer and I’d like to transmit my passion and eagerness to learn to other people who might need to get inspiration from what other people do or think.

So yeah, future me, I summon you here in a year’s time to review this list and see how well we’re doing ;)

And for those of you reading this far, please have a sit and feel welcome. I expect many of the things I blog about to be absolutely wrong. So don’t hesitate to comment and participate whenever you see fit. I always enjoy a good coding discussion! ;)